Getting an unexpected pregnancy is often caused mental burden all its own. As a result many abortion practices is done though it is illegal. What are the dangers ofabortion?
Abortion is not a medical procedure that is simple. If done carelessly can pose aserious health risk. Even for some women this may affect physical, emotional andspiritual. But not everyone knows about the risks that may be experienced if an abortion.
Here there are some side effects that may be experienced by the woman when an abortion :
- Leave the risk of premature birthA study showed that women who had an abortion will have the risk of giving birthprematurely in the next pregnancy. An abortion can damage a woman's reproductiveorgans, increased trauma and damage to the cervix that lead to premature birth.
- DeathAn abortion can cause infections of the body in total, probably their worst cause death.
- Damage to the cervixDamage to the cervix can occur due to the womb neck cut, torn, or damaged byabortion instruments used.
- InfectionInfection can be caused by a medical device is not sterile, which is inserted into the uterus can also be caused or any part of the remaining fetus in the womb or one might say abortion is not perfect.
- Great bleedingIf the cervix is torn or wide open, then it will give rise to bleeding that couldcompromise the safety of the women. To stop bleeding, it sometimes requiredsurgery.