Abdominal Pain In Children

Children may very well experience a complaints of abdominal pain. The causes can be varied, ranging from the underlying causes are simple and harmless, until a very dangerous and causes need surgical treatment as soon as possible. Treatment of abdominal pain in children varies depending on the cause.

This is the kind of common abdominal pain in children:
  • Dysmenorrhoea
    Pain comes months or dysmenorrhoea is painful monthly-if the menstrual cycle regularly-experienced by every daughter who has gone through the first menstruation. Pain coming months could either be normal or it can also be caused by certain diseases.

    Normal menstruation pain-not due to illness, appeared in 6 months or less since the first menstruation. The coming months will usually be pain feels like cramping in the lower abdomen during 2-3 days before and after the menstruation which propagates down the back or thighs. Painful cramps as a result of the coming months could be appeased with such pain reliever paracetamol drug or class of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs or NSAIDS).
  • Functional abdominal pain
    Not only adults can experience stress, children can also experience the same thing. When children experience stress, symptoms will appear an easy looks like abdominal pain. Types of abdominal pain is called functional abdominal pain. Children who experience functional abdominal pain will not be found abnormalities on examination of supporting, such as laboratory and radiology examination. The pain can be lost or settled, this has occurred, often felt on the middle part of the abdomen. When the little one was under stress or anxiety that belebihan, this will increase the pain was great. How to help your little one misbehaving like this can be done with a psychological approach, e.g. counselling which aims to make children can overcome concerns.
  • Urinary tract infection
    Disruption of this disease cannot be underestimated when it occurs in children. In infants, urinary tract infections can lead to failed to grow, it's hard to drink or eat and fever. Unfortunately this sometimes difficult infections symptoms seen, let alone in children aged less than 2 years. Symptoms that appear on a baby age 1-2 months could be diarrhea and vomiting. Whereas in children aged 2 years and over, when exposed to this infection will show symptoms that are more obvious, such as anyang-anyang, pain during urination, and abdominal pain

  • Likening the digestive infection, avoid indiscriminate giving antibiotics without a doctor's prescription. This aims to avoid the side effects of some types of antibiotics that are less good if given in children. Lower abdominal pain is caused by urinary tract infections can be assuaged by administering drugs such as paracetamol, anti pain relief and anti-inflammatory drugs are other pains.
  • Acute appendicitis
    Acute appendicitis is one example of a common kegawatdarutan in children. If the disease is diagnosed, the handle can not be delayed to avoid the Appendix could rupture at any time. So, when this happens it can endanger the lives of your little one. Symptoms of appendicitis in children is not as clear as in adults. Usually a child will feel great pain that gets worse over time on the abdomen. When done, the examination will look at the tension right lower abdomen, it could even spread throughout the roomy belly. Children will also experience nausea, vomiting, fever and would not eat. If an inflamed Appendix had ruptured, it will irritate the membranes of the abdominal wall. In this condition, the stomach will be palpated as hard as boards and will be painful even with mild emphasis. The pulse will increase children and stomach can not uplifted during breathing. Checks to make sure the diagnosis of acute appendicitis can be performed by ultrasonography and CT Scan (Computerized tomography).
  • Tract infections cerna
    Hawker food less awake clean can make children suffer indigestion tract infections. Because, on a dirty foods contain a lot of germs that could very easily get into the little belly. When germs are already entered into the stomach and the little one suffered an infection, usually they will experience fever, weakness, and abdominal pain. Other symptoms that are often muncu is diarrhea. However, not all children who have experienced infection germs experiencing diarrhea, can he not even defecate during one week.

Although these health disorders included in the infection, but avoid giving antibiotics without a doctor's supervision, because not all infections can be cured by administering the same antibiotics. Make sure children drink plenty of fluids to avoid shortages. Note also the shape and color of the feces of small and report it to the doctor, as it will greatly assist enforcement diagnosis. In the case of indigestion tract infections in children you should immediately take him to the doctor for treatment of a tepa

