Beware Bartholinitis Venereal Disease In Women

Bartolinitis is infection of the glands bartolin or bartolinitis can also cause swelling of the external female genitalia. Typically, the swelling is accompanied by great pain even unable to walk. Also can be accompanied by fever, along with swelling of the sex flush.

Usually caused by Gonokokkus so bartholinitis often arise on gonorrhea, but may also be caused by other germs, such as Streptokokkus or Basil koli. On the swelling on the labium bartholinitis Magi.

Usually sufferers Bartholinitis immediately went to the doctor because the pain prompted him, so this ailment treated. The best therapy for causal therapy is Bartholinitis (the cause). In adults the possibility of diabetes should also be considered.

Another case of chronical inflammation and cysts bartholini is small. On enlarged glands occur acutely Bartholinitis, red, painful, and hotter than the surrounding area. Its content is fast becoming pus that can exit through duktusnya, or if the ducts clogged, gathered inside and be abscesses that sometimes can be as big as a duck's egg. The diagnosis is done with signs as above (red, pain, etc.) as well as laboratory examination with examining urethra and vulva with the undelete method blue or gram positive, when it encountered a lot of pus cells and diplokokkus intra and extracellular. Better yet with breeding (kultur) and simultaneously conducted the test sensitivity of germs.

The main duct blockages cause secretion retention bartolin kalenjar and cystic dilation. Kalenjar bartolin enlarges. Red, painful and hotter than the surrounding area. Content in the form of pus can come out through ducts or when clogged (usually due to infection), gathered in be abscesses.

The main duct blockages cause secretion retention bartolin kalenjar and cystic dilation. Kalenjar bartolin enlarges. Red, painful and hotter than the surrounding area. Content in the form of pus can come out through ducts or when clogged (usually due to infection), gathered in be abscesses.

Eventually the fluid filled pockets glands so are referred to as cysts (pockets of fluid). Germs in the vagina could infect one of the glands bartolin to clogged and swell. If there are no infections, will not give rise to a complaint.

The germs are there can walk into deeper territory, i.e. the vagina. Inflammation of the vagina is often called vaginitis, usually followed by pain during sexual intercourse. The number of germs was the longer more and more. And when the body durability decreases, the germs will more freely explore other parts of the cervical, for example, giving rise to servisitis. Typically, the virus often resides in the cervical area is the human papilloma virus (HPV). This is the virus that causes the infection, the forerunner of the uterine cancer.

It gets worse, if it continues to spread, it can also cause inflammation of the pelvis. Pelvic inflammation occurs if the microbes have penetrated the abdominal cavity. One of the microbes that like to play here is usually klamedia. "This is very dangerous Microbes, resides in the channel could be due to the egg and clog up the channel. Channels are clogged it will cause the egg cannot be out during fertilization, and result in infertility.

Bartholini glands is a gland that is located around the pubic lips (the vulva) at the left and bottom right near the fossa navikulare. Bartholini's glands have a diameter of about 1 cm, located under kunni constrictor muscle and has a small channel lengthy 1.5-2 cm in diameter which rises in the vulva. Bartholini's glands, koitus on removing the gum mucous.

To head off inflammation, various ways can be done. One of them is clean and healthy life style:
  • Make it a habit clean genitals after sexual intercourse.
  • Make it a habit, get cleaned up after bowel movements, with the wash from front to back.
  • Be careful when using public toilets. Who knows, there are people with inflammation who used it before you.
  • Check with your doctor if you experience vaginal discharge for quite a while. No need to be embarrassed to consult even the unmarried obstetrician. Because vaginal discharge can be experienced by all women.
  • Avoid wearing tight pants, because it can trigger a humidity. Select a material from the underwear absorb sweat so that vital area is always dry.
  • The consumption of healthy and nutritious food. Try to let you escape from obesity which causes thigh bergesek. This condition can cause injury, so the State of the skin around the groin become hot and humid. Germs can live in the area.

How to bartolinitis prevention:
  • If it is not needed, do not use a pantyliner. Women are often misguided. They feel comfortable if it's clothes clean. Whereas the use of pantyliner can increase Humidity of skin around the vagina.
  • Tool reproductions have a self-cleaning system to fight the germs that are injurious to health. Cleaning products and fragrances, the vagina a lot traded are actually not needed. Conversely, if excessive use can be dangerous.
  • Avoid sexual intercourse alternating pairs. Remember, the germs can also come from your partner. If you have changed a couple, is not easy to detect the source of transmission of the bacteria. Inflammation is closely related to sexually transmitted diseases and sexual patterns are free.
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