Causes Of Breast Pain

Breast pain does not only create discomfort, but can also make many women fear. But don't be in a hurry to worry when your breast pain, Ladies. Don't be afraid that direct the breast pain caused by cancer.

There are many things that can cause breast pain and discomfort. Some of these are trivial things not to worry about. Here are some of the causes of breast pain.

Do you feel any lump in the breast? If the lump is accompanied by pain, you may need to do further examination. Because it could be a cyst that was causing breast pain. The danger again, the cyst can also develop into cancer, then it should be treated as soon as possible.

Excessive caffeine
According to the report Boldsky, women tend to feel pain caffeine addicts on the breast. Because basically the caffeine is not good for health, let alone be consumed in large quantities. So, if breast pain, you may need to reduce Your caffeine intake.

Do not use a bra while exercising
Some women prefer not to use a bra while at home, as well as the sport at home. But this is the wrong way to exercise. Because without bra, there is nothing to support the breast when you perform various movements and it could be the cause of pain in the breast.

Drug side effects
Pain in your breasts may also be caused by the side effects caused by drugs. Some drugs have adverse impact on the production of the hormone estrogen in your body. When these hormones are essential for the function of the breast to stay well. If you feel pain in the breast, try checking the drugs that you are taking the time do have side effects.

The bra is too tight
Wear a bra too tight can also cause pain in the breast. Because of the tight bra does not give space to breathe breasts. Or it could be this problem occurs in women who are her breasts are growing and he did not mengahuinya.

An inefficient provision of hormonal
Breast pain occurs due to hormonal changes or imbalances in the body. The menstrual cycle, pregnancy, and menopause is a common cause of hormonal changes in women. Generally breast pain can be caused due to reduced estrogen hormone in the female body.
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