Beware Recognize And Symptoms Bladder injuries

Bladder injury often occurs when pelvic injuries, such as motor vehicle accidents or falls at high speed. Penetrating wounds, usually from gunshots, also can injure the bladder. Additionally, bladder injury may occur inadvertently during surgery involving the pelvis or lower abdomen (such as hysterectomy, cesarean section, or colectomy).

If a bladder injury is not treated on time, complications, such urinate frequently and urgently, could not control the urine waste (hard to resist the urge to urinate), and infection, may develop.

Symptoms of bladder injury is the most common is the presence of blood in urine, difficulty in urination, and pain in the pelvis and lower abdomen. If the bottom of the bladder (where the muscles that help control urination is located) had injuries, people may experience frequent urination or difficult to resist the urge to urinate.

Diagnosis of bladder injury is best done with cystography, a procedure in which radioactive dye (contrast compounds), which are visible with X-rays, is injected into the bladder and CT scan or X-ray is needed to see the leak. Bladder injuries that occur during a surgical procedure is usually known just in time and the above tests are not necessary.

Minor bladder injuries, either bruise or tear (laceration), may be treated by inserting a catheter into the urethra for 5 to 10 days to heal bladder. For bladder injury or wound more extensive whichever produces urine leakage into the abdominal cavity, surgery should be performed to determine the extent of the injury and to repair completely shreds.

Urine can then be more effectively drained from the bladder using two pipes, one inserted through the urethra (transurethral catheter) and one inserted directly into the bladder through the skin over the lower abdomen (suprapubic catheter). This pipe removed in 7 to 10 days or so the bladder has healed satisfactorily. If complications develop, they should be treated. If a bladder injury during a surgical procedure known, were treated at that time as well.
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