It Is Difficult To Conceive After Delaying Pregnancy

Many newly married young couples delaying pregnancy until the time which is really ready, it is judged to be emotionally preparing prospective mother in the care of her baby in the future.

So often times many young couples, using contraceptives in delaying pregnancy. Ironically, some of the couples who are ready after delaying pregnancy failed to indicate the early signs of pregnancy and often feeling sorry for delayed pregnancy. Is it true it is difficult to conceive because of delaying first pregnancy?

Postpone pregnancy are often the choice of young couples, as long as you can choose the right contraception will not cause problems when you're ready to get pregnant. The contraceptive pill, deployment options often suggested due to the fertile period can make quickly after the contraceptive pill is stopped.

Use of the contraceptive pill is hormonal contraceptive that has additional content dropspirenone progestin which is almost equal to the natural progesterone. In General, the additional benefits of birth control pills make regular menstruation, reduce the risk of ovarian cysts, lower the risk of ovarian cancer, reduce the risk of anemia and lower the risk of pregnancy outside of the uterus.

As for using the method of injection, can induce KB some long-term effects. KB injection is one method of pregnancy prevention that works thicken uterus mucus making it difficult to break down sperm in fertilization. As for the lack of using the method of injecting kb is cyclical it comes in irregular even not experiencing puberty at all, experienced weight gain and for some people the old fertility recovery occurs within a few months after discontinuing the use of KB syringe. While the use of IUD cause vaginal discharge and often also the infection much less for patients who do not have health control. The biggest risk is the presence of cervical infection that can develop up to tract infection of eggs, so that the fallopian stuffy and the onset of impaired fertility.

Next up is the impact on the fetus to be conceived. If you delay too long will cause the level of risk of having children who are troubled with nervous disorders. The research found that pregnancy program too long on the first child can cause disorders of fertility and also increases the risk of babies born prematurely and have low weight. Research on neurodevelopmental 209 children born from a couple trying to conceive with a bang, the result found 8% have problems with the nerves. This research also connects between fertility therapies performed by pregnant women. So the best advice is don't delay your first pregnancy too long. In line with the age increasing, some of your medical condition you are very vulnerable to this disease also affected into consideration to soon have children. You are also advised to live a healthy life, did not make a bad habit of smoking, avoid radiation exposure of the reproductive organs and also avoid pollutants and free radicals that will make getting pregnant is difficult.
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