Recognize The Symptoms Of Cerebral Palsy

First cerebral palsy is found in 1860 by a surgeon named William Little. But it was only in 1897 neuroscientist Sigmund Freud managed to find out that this condition comes from different causes that occur during fetal development. In the 1980s several scientists from the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke said that some cases of cerebral palsy may actually be caused by a shortage of supplies of oxygen which occurs mainly during the process of birth.

All types of this condition is characterised by reflexes, muscle tone, coordination and development of abnormal motor. Symptoms generally known from seizures, problems with body balance, decreased muscle mass, gait, and a disproportionate number of accidental body movements, etc.

Some of the people who suffered from cerebral palsy are people who practice how to walk toe walking and scissor walking. A result of this condition can be seen starting from the simple to the awkwardness of body movements awkward and stiff.

Babies born with this condition usually has irregular posture. This can be seen from the patient's body is concerned that a rigid and drooping. There is also the possibility of going on birth defects such as small jaw bone, the structure of the spine is curved and a small head. In many cases, these early symptoms will deteriorate and become more serious at a time when children are growing and increasing age. In many cases, the parents are not aware that his son had severe cerebral palsy. In General, symptoms of cerebral palsy is already starting to appear in infants under one year old.

There is also the possibility that there is a secondary condition that arises naturally in the presence of this cerebral palsy. Among them are epilepsy, spasm, packed with abnormal way, mental retardation, behavior disorders and sensory damage. These secondary symptoms can hardly be felt by some people.

Abnormalities in speaking and speed are very often found in people with cerebral palsy patients. Dysarthria or trouble to spell common words occurs at around 31% to 88% of the cases were found. Difficulty speaking is also associated with control of breathing, velopharyngeal dysfunction (malfunction mechanism between the oral cavity and nasal cavity), and throat. General cases can be classified into three basic types of cerebral palsy is spastik (most common), ataxic (both of which are often to be found), and atetoid or dyskinetic (which happened only in some people.)

There was also a delay in talks that deal with issues such as mental retardation, hearing damage, and helplessness. In many cases, cerebral palsy children are generally more likely to risk experiencing feelings of helplessness. They tend to be passive in communicating and almost never initiate communication with other people.

Initial countermeasure aimed so that children who have cerebral palsy can communicate with others. In this way they learn that they can control themselves and the surrounding goods can also be used to communicate.

The activity of the brain affected by cerebral palsy tend not to change along with the changing times. Because that's the main symptoms often get worse with increasing age. Cerebral palsy in children can also occur at the same time with a nervous disorder such as mental retardation and spasm. Other symptoms are asymmetrical gait, excessive drooling, difficulty in sucking, swallowing or even talking, and difficulty in performing the movements that require precision, such as putting up studs dress or writing.

Cerebral palsy sufferers are also found frequently shaking in many cases.
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