Cancer Can Be Prevented

One of the main causes of death are cancer. A type of cancer that is often inflicted is lung cancer, breast cancer, cancer of the cervix (mouth of the uterus), colon cancer, prostate cancer, skin cancer and others.

In the United States alone for the first time the No. 1 killer for under age 85 years, occupied by the cancer, which had always occupied by heart disease. Actually a lot of preventable cancer and prevention is in fact already well known people. According to the American Cancer Society, prevention by:
  • Don't smoke, and don't be a passive smoker.
  • Try to have a balanced body weight.
  • A lot of exercise.
  • Consume at least five servings of vegetables and fruits each day.
  • Keep away from direct exposure to sunlight.
  • Perform the recommended skrinning test
Most of the risk for suffering cancer derived from the behavior of life since childhood, such as:
  • Since childhood, many children who have started smoking. In the United States an estimated one in five children have been smoking.
  • Child's current tendency to have excess body weight to overweight. From 1980 to 2002, obesity in children aged 6-11 years, rising to more than two times, from 7% to 16%.
  • And tripled in children ages 12-19 years, namely from 5% to 16%. 38% of children spend 3 hours more time to watch television every day.
  • The kids are getting a bit of a walk, 60% fewer than in 1977.
  • Only about 28% of the children who do sports at school each day.
Are the behavior as adults who are at risk of causing cancer among other things:
  • Two-thirds of adults in the United States having excess body weight, 30% fall into the category of overweight.
  • Less than half of the population which is quite a workout.
  • More than 1 of 4 men and more than 1 in 5 women who smoke.
  • Only 1 in 4 residents who consumed 5 or more servings of vegetables and fruits each day.
  • Only 55% of United States women aged above 40 years old, who conducted the examination of mammography for detecting breast cancer, 82% of women aged over 18 years who did the pap smear for cervical cancer detection and only 39% of people who are over 50 years of age who commit skrinning bowel cancer.
Although the results of the survey conducted in the United States above, but these results are not much different to the situation in Indonesia. With this kind of reality, is expected to encourage us to have healthy lifestyles.
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