Diseases Of Tetanus In Children

Tetanus disease is dangerous because it affects the nervous system of nerves and muscles. Symptoms of tetanus starts with muscle spasms of jaw (trismus or spasms of the mouth), swelling, pain and spasms in the muscles of the neck, shoulders or back. Seizures immediately propagate to the muscles of the abdomen, upper arms and thighs.

Neonatal tetanus is common to occur in the newborn. Neonatal tetanus has newborn baby due to be born in a dirty place and not sterile, especially if Infected umbilical cord. Neonatal tetanus causes the death of a baby and a lot is happening in developing countries. In developed countries, where hygiene and childbirth techniques have advanced, the rate of deaths from neonatal tetanus can be suppressed. In addition, antibodies from the mother to the newborn baby also prevent neonatal tetanus.

Tetanus Clostridium bacteria caused the infection and symptoms that produce toxin tetanospasmin. Tetanospasmin sticking in the area around the wound and brought blood to the brain and nervous system of the spinal cord, so disruption of nerve fibres, especially the nerves that send messages to muscles. Tetanus infections occur because the wound clipped, burning, or frostbitten. Although the wound is small does not mean the bacteria in tetanus cannot live there. Often people neglect, whereas the slightest injuries can be a bacterial tetanus breed.

Incubation period for tetanus occurs within 3-14 days with the symptoms began to occur on the seventh day. Neonatal tetanus symptoms start in the first two weeks of a baby's life. Although tetanus is dangerous, if diagnosed quickly and got the correct treatment, sufferers of tetanus can be cured. Healing tetanus is generally occurs during the 4-6 weeks. Tetanus can be prevented by administering immunizations as part of immunization DPT. After passing childhood, tetanus immunization continued even though the vaccine has grown, with TT (Tetanus Toxoid). Tetanus immunization is recommended every 5 years interval: 25, 30, 35 ff. Pregnant women should get tetanus immunization and gave birth in a clean and sterile.
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