Dangers Of High Blood Pressure In Pregnancy

Women with pre-eklampsia have symptoms of high blood pressure, fluid retention(edema) can be found in the foot or hand and protein in the urine (proteinuria). Whenleft untreated can lead to serious complications. For the unborn baby, pre-eklampsiacan cause disturbances of growth.

Pre-eklampsia is a condition that can occur in pregnant women during the secondtrimester of pregnancy usually (about week 20) or shortly after the birth of the babybut in many cases occur on the third terimester (from 27 to Sunday until the birth ofthe baby).

women with pre-eklampsia have symptoms of high blood pressure, fluid retention(edema) can be found in the foot or hand and protein in the urine (proteinuria). Whenleft untreated can lead to serious complications. For the unborn baby, pre-eklampsiacan cause disturbances of growth. Women with pre-eklampsia are usually unaware that they are suffering from pre-eklampsia to the examiner.

What causes the pre-eklampsia? Up to this point not found answers, but there is amention of the placenta that is not functioning properly, the researchers there who said due to a lack of good nutrition, high fats in the body, or the less blood flow to the uterus, some mention of the influence of genetically but until this very second there has been no definite explanation.

As many as 10% of cases of pre-eklampsia light found in the first pregnancy. Case ofpre-eklampsia weight found at 1-2% of cases. In the case of pre-eklampsialightweight, can be monitored by measuring urine test and blood pressure regularly.In the case of pre-eklampsia the weight should be monitored in the hospital.Treatment of pre-eklampsia focused on lowering blood pressure and to address othercomplaints sometimes use the drug. The only way to cure pre-eklampsia is to give birth to the baby. In some cases, it can mean induces birth however very dependent of the gestational age.

Although no one can predict and prevent pre-eklampsia but there is some researchthat says that by consuming aspirin or calcium supplements in early pregnancy can be helpful, but is still controversial.

Complications from pre-eklampsia is eklampsia which is characterized by seizures.Eklampsia is very dangerous for the mother and the fetus, but the case is only 1% of women in the United Kingdom that could be affected by this complication after pre-eklampsia. Complications from pre-eklampsia is responsible for the deaths of nearly 6women each year in the United Kingdom and the death of several hundred babies is usually due to preterm birth

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