Pregnant Women Are Active, Stay Safe For Pregnancy

Pregnant women while working especially with carrying a fetus that is increasinglyenlarged up to 2 kg are not shattered our passion for most pregnant women. Evenmany activities can still be carried out without having to be blocked with the conditionof pregnant women.

As disclosed by dr. Boy Abidin SpOG (K) which is offered from detikhealth that there are no restrictions for pregnant women who undertake activities as usual. Even pregnant women have to do activities as long as it can control yourself. Pregnant women can take body language so that when feeling pain and limp it's not forced.

This applies on expectant mothers who travel that pregnant women traveling bypublic transport such as aircraft, cars, trains and buses can still be done. It's just that at the age of 12-32 weeks of pregnancy can be performed while using an airplane. As for the trains and buses should be curtailed at the age of 36 weeks.

Expectant mothers can still keep exercising even in the age of the mother's pregnancylabor according to reproductive endocrinology fertility Consultant who served on theRS family Partners Kelapa Gading can still do activities such as swimming and alsobelly dance.

The most important of the experience of pregnant women that condition that occurssuddenly and make pain conditions or when the mother having a complaint failed tosubside consult your obstetrician. Remember every expectant mother will havedifferent conditions when undergoing pregnancy.

Associated with pregnant women who exercise brisk walk need not worry as it will nottrigger a nuisance condition in pregnant women. Despite such occasional timesbecame a threat to expectant mothers who are concerned about the occurrence ofmiscarriage.

At the beginning of pregnancy is indeed often pregnant women face blemishes in thepanties. This condition is often associated with the activity of pregnant women being too cape. While dr Day said Nugroho SpOG from one hospital in Surabaya that theapproximately 20-40% of pregnant women complain of spots in the first three monthswhen the expectant mother.

So for expectant mothers who are having spots on early pregnancy should consultwith a doctor not just suspected because the activity of pregnant women or brisk walking habits of pregnant women but can also be due to the different conditions of pregnant women.

In contrast to miscarriages due to often bleed a lot besides accompanied withdischarge part or all of the conception. The spots to look out for by pregnant womenis a condition of flecks that indicates miscarriage and fetal harm.

Thus for pregnant women who do the activity should be balanced with the conditionof your pregnancy. Remember every expectant mothers have different conditions, some pregnant women still can survive despite having to do activities as usual but for pregnant women who are at risk may have a little campaign.

This condition must be consulted with the midwife or obstetrician to know the physical condition of the mother and the fetus as well as your activities performedevery day. When the mother found the spots at the time of early pregnancy and continued until a few days blood to even failed to stop the suspected occurrence ofthe problem must be on the condition of your pregnancy. Immediate inspection ofyour pregnancy to the obstetrician to get first aid on condition of your pregnancy.
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