Excessive vigilant Diet Can Cause Death

Ideal body is a dream for all of us, especially women. Usually, in order to maintain the ideal body shape and to keep it beautiful, women will maintain its diet that often we know as diet. At first the hell just wanted to keep the body ideal, but eventually it will become obsessive desire and uncontrollable. This is called disease Anorexia Nervosa.

According to WIKIPEDIA Anorexia Nervosa (NA) is an eating disorder characterized by refusal to maintain a healthy weight and excessive fear of weight gain due to a distorted self-image. A person suffering from AN called anorexic or (less commonly) anorektik. Anorexia is a medical term which means the symptoms of loss of appetite. Anorektik can also point to a styptic lust.

Anorexia Nervosa is a disease often make sufferers very thin up not infrequently lead to death. To avoid this, let us see signs of people affected by Anorexia Nervosa:
  • In the severe conditions, women with Anorexia Nervosa will stop menstruating
  • Withdraw from social activities, especially parties and feasting
  • Often excessive exercise
  • Feeling overweight even though not
  • Very often measure their own weight
  • Avoiding foods such as meat, milk, fat, carbohydrates, and other foods that are thought to increase the body weight
  • Obsessed with diet (time and number) as well as weight control
  • Being very thin and weak because of malnutrition
Keep the body ideal for the health is a good thing, but not to excess.
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