The Danger Of High Blood In Pregnancy

Hypertension or high blood pressure that afflicts expectant mothers would be very dangerous good pregnancy itself as well as for the mother. hypertension or high blood pressure occurs when blood is being pumped by the heart experience increased pressure, until it can make pressure and damage the artery walls in blood vessels.

A person is said to be experiencing hypertension blood pressure over 140/90 mmHG (mean of 140 mmHg systolic pressure and diastolic pressure is 90 mmHg). Hypertension in pregnancy a lot happened in the age of pregnant women under 20 years of age or over 40, pregnancy with twins, or occur in pregnant women with a first pregnancy.

The cause of

There are two things cause hypertension, namely Hypertension or primary hypertension of life where the cause is not due to the presence of disorders of the heart or the kidneys, but rather are caused by other factors, e.g. due to unhealthy life pattern; experiencing stress, excess salt consumption, smoking habits, alcohol and caffeine, unhealthy eating patterns that lead to flab and excess weight and the existence of hereditary factors. While the hypertension caused by kidney or heart disorder is called secondary hypertension.

Effects on pregnancy

On a healthy pregnancy, the fetus is getting all the nutrients and oxygen needed for normal growth of the mother. This happens if the amount of blood flowing through the placenta and mother's nutrients and oxygen through the umbilical cord to the fetus.


Types of hypertension in pregnancy is the most dangerous Preeklampsia or poisoning also called pregnancy. Pre-eklampsia is a disease that occurs with signs of hypertension, proteinuria and edema which arise because of pregnancy, usually other terms also called gestational toxicity.

Hypertension eklampsia pre-tekananan increase the occurrence of 30 mm Hg systolic or reach 140 mm Hg (your wife 145), and the increase in diastolic pressure of 15 mm Hg or reach 90 mm Hg (your wife, 89).

Edema in the pre-eklampsia the occurrence of hoarding generally and excessive fluid in the body, usually known from weight gain and swelling of the legs, hands and face. Increase in weight of 1 kg a week several times can be a sign of pre-eklampsia.

Proteinuria pre-eklampsia there is a concentration of protein in the urine that exceed 0.3 g/liter and urine 400 ml or less a day. Roughly meaning, his urine really little sufferer's mother in a day. to date this has not been found for certain causes of pre-eklampsia.


The pattern of healthy living will increase the potential mother to avoid hypertension in pregnancy. Stay away from alcoholic drinks, don't make it a habit you smoke, avoid stress, healthy diet (high protein consumption, avoid excessive consumption of foods containing charcoal and excess salt hydrates) and work out. In addition the mother could consume some foods can help lower blood pressure such as chocolate, fish, citrus fruits, bananas and fish. To do routine controls against the gestational mother and follow the instructions suggested by the doctor.
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