Tips To Eliminate Acne Scars Are Traditionally On The Face

Acne scars are often become a serious problem for many people because it reduces the confidence in his appearance. Body Acne on the face often leave scars is black and interfere with the appearance. Thus efforts will be made to find ways of eliminating the acne scars.

Get rid of acne in a safe alternative became traditional in overcoming this problem. This traditional way of utilising natural plant as masks or facial freshener.

Here are some ways to remove acne scars naturally:
  • Using jicama
    Hereditary, jicama is a fruit that is believed to be able to make the face becomes fresh and white. However, did you know that jicama can also eliminate acne scars? Yes, the vitamin C found in Yam bean, it can speed up the process of wound healing. In addition compounds of beta-carotene and vitamin A nor its function as antioxidants. How to use the jicama to the face is very easy, that's enough with the mashed, posting in the face, and wait for 15 minutes.

  • Using honey
    Honey contains antioxidants, enzymes, and antibacterial that can reduce the irritation and scars due to acne, as well as cleans and moisturizes skin naturally. How, raw honey can be directly applied topically to the mask and the face after face cleaned up.
  • Using lime juice
    How to remove acne scars is traditionally by utilizing lime fruit because fruit has vitamin C is high enough so that it is able to regenerate the cells on our facial skin, particularly acne scars. Do I just stay squeezed and smeared throughout the obverse.

So the above tips eliminate acne scars is traditionally in the face. For the sake of good results, surely it should be supported with a pattern of healthy living, exercise, and of course should be used routinely so that any acne scars will quickly disappear.
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