Treating Breast Cancer With Natural Medicine

Breast cancer is a type of cancer that resulted in the largest death toll on women, it makes the disease of breast cancer greatly feared by women.

Not a bit of research proves that amounted to almost 40% of men affected by breast cancer. It might even be just the frequency people with breast cancer among men is greater than that found, but due to undetected or man ashamed of admitting that her illness is considered only belongs to this woman, so as not to do the checks and just realized after having cancer or metastases have spread stage.

Natural remedies for breast cancer has been found. One is the loranthus. Loranthus, a known plant parasite on many plants have proven to be able to treat breast cancer. Loranthus is made in the form of dried herb is extracted in water then into a kind of herbal medicine that can be taken by people with breast cancer. And according to the results of proof it is medically, person with breast cancer who have been drinking this herbal extract of loranthus can be cured of breast cancer who have undergone phase metastases have. A remarkable results.

Then besides loranthus, natural remedy for breast cancer can also be obtained from cider tea. Tea is the most powerful and proven good is green tea. However, if the use of green tea are not measured properly, then the problem is can cause kidney damage risks primarily parts distalis or tubules that play a role in the screening process of urine.

Breast cancer who have undergone metastases have also been proven to be curable with God or his Latin name Gynura procumbens. The leaves of leaf vegetables is one of the preferred foods in West Java. It turns out these leaves can be used to reduce the mass of tumors in the breast that are experiencing violence. Leaves of the gods is also relatively safe and there are no adverse side effects. The leaves can be eaten so God only, to be used as ingredients or packaged in the form of preparations of natural medicine for breast cancer.
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