What Is A Blighted Ovum (Empty Gestational)

Blighted Ovum is a condition in which the embryo is formed not in the womb. It was preceded by fertilization between ova and cells, but when the fertilization results stuck to the wall of the uterus and the pregnancy SAC is formed (gestational sac), embryo fetus does not develop. That form is the placenta and amnion fluid only, so it still produced the hormone beta-hcg that give rise to symptoms such as normal pregnant.

When do pregnancy test, prospective mothers expressed positive pregnant and they also feel the symptoms of a pregnant woman as General. Such as nausea, dizziness, fatigue, rapid hardened and breast.

On the empty pregnancy, the placenta and the pregnancy SAC still growing normally, the problem is the development of the fetus, shot Dr. Andon. No wonder that in the urine pregnancy test, the results remain positive and having symptoms of pregnancy to young.

According to him, the empty pregnancy occurs because the fertilized egg cell is not successfully developed perfectly. Even though the pregnancy SAC continued to grow, but the development of the fetus is completely not the case.

So when the pregnancy was approximately one and a half months, when performed Ultrasound (ultrasound), will only be visible just pregnancy SAC with no fetus, image brightness.

Expectant mother can only be indicated whether experiencing pregnancy is empty or not, is when he performs an ULTRASOUND examination.

Blighted ovum occurs very early in pregnancy, in most cases a patient comes to a doctor because of complaints in the form of patches of bleeding in the gestational age of approximately 6-8 weeks.

No wonder that sufferers think during this pregnancy normal-normal only, because the pregnancy SAC looks clear, and any positive urine pregnancy test. So empty it's new pregnancy is usually detected when the mom did an ULTRASOUND.

Unfortunately the ULTRASOUND tool through the vagina, the image of the fetus can be seen in the new age of pregnancy and 6 weeks with ULTRASOUND are affixed to the stomach, an image of the fetus can be seen in the new age of 7 weeks gestation.

With the help of the vaginal ULTRASOUND, added Dr. Andon, the image of the fetus or fetal SAC can be seen, whether it was up to 20 millimetres. But when it is not visible, then You could be experiencing a pregnancy is empty.

If the fetus has not seen the pregnancy SAC diameter while still not reach 20 mm, then it is highly recommended to do a repeat ULTRASOUND in 1-2 weeks later, advice.

Until now, the cause of the occurrence of pregnancy is empty is still unknown. But from some clinical experience, Dr. Andon estimates there is a relation to the chromosome abnormalities in the fetus.

This can happen due to the less good the egg, the sperm abnormal sperm or vice versa, the less well fertilise the egg cells that are normal.

Complications also often experienced by patients with pregnancy is empty, i.e., the result of her pregnancy is abnormal bleeding. This bleeding occurs as a result of the body sought to exclude the abnormal conception results, he explained.

The bleeding will stop, when the results of successful conception is removed from the uterus. If the results of conception can not come out perfect, then needed help curettage by doctors, said Dr. Andon again.

That bleeding does not occur continuously, there are two ways which are commonly performed to remove the empty pregnancy. That is by using drugs or perform curettage. But curettage has advantages because it may proceed with the examination of the chromosomes, suggesting.

However, blighted ovum is not associated with impaired fertility, because next pregnancies could have been able to walk normally. But when an empty repeating back pregnancies, then most likely there is a chromosome abnormalities settled on one of the spouses.

But keep in mind, blighted ovum is also not associated with uterine cancer, said Dr. Andon. He also said that up to now there is still no way to prevent the occurrence of pregnancy this blank.
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